The work environment is changing rapidly and everyone wants to be prepared, but how does one prepare for the unknown? The future is uncertain, now more than ever. This is why it can be so challenging trying to keep up with changing trends and demands in the workplace, especially with the introduction of technology such as AI. Many employees and managers find themselves struggling to keep up as they try to develop new skills which are needed in the digital era. But what are the most important skills? Are there any trends we can predict when it comes to employee development?
Experts say that almost 50% of all employees will need to be reskilled by 2025. In just two years, half of the world’s workforce will have to learn new skills as technology becomes more prominent across all sectors. That is a huge investment for both employees and employers.
“Future of Jobs” conducted a survey in which the respondents answered that 40% of workers will require reskilling in only the next six months, based on their estimates.
In 2020 “Future of Jobs” released their list of “Top 10 skills of 2025”, and divided them into four categories: Problem-solving, Self-management, Working with people and Technology use and development. This selection of skills showcases a holistic way of not only preparing employees to use technology but to change their way of thinking to be more adaptable, critical and resilient.
Technological advancement has been one of the most important topics in the last few years in the business world, but a crucial part to this advancement that cannot be overlooked is the human element. We cannot embrace the future of technology without supporting and developing the human touch which makes it all possible. This is why skills such as creativity, emotional intelligence, reasoning, leadership, flexibility etc. are just as important and valuable to a company. It is important to emphasize both the human and technological aspect when it comes to future proofing, as one cannot succeed without the other.
Now, more than ever, leaders need to rise up to the occasion and take charge. Companies need to adapt and put the focus on their employees. Through these times of uncertainty companies must lead by example, and invest in their employees’ growth. Offering them opportunities to develop their skills not only helps for raising productivity and efficiency, but contributes to employee retention in the long run.
In an ever-evolving work landscape, it’s clear that investing in employee skill development is not just a choice, but a necessity for success in the face of an uncertain future.

By: Mila Tanaskovska, Intern at M6 Educational Centre
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