Centre for teaching excellence
AI For Managers And Executives (AI4ME)
M6 Educational Centre in partnership with the AI Center, Sweden delivers an online workshop titled AI for Managers and Executives (AI4ME). This 6 week workshop is comprised of 5 separate modules and it provides you with practical knowledge on contemporary issues concerning the digital transition and artificial intelligence.
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- after a group is formed
Organizing Events Online
During these times of transformations and intense digitalization the Events Organizing Industry is faced with serious setbacks. Moreover, since it’s not that the only industry that’s suffering due to the global pandemic, a part of the adaptations are within hand’s reach, it’s up to us to learn how and implement them.
- 10 Lessons
- 17.000 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Digital Marketing
Become a Social Media Guru and an expert Digital Marketer with the Digital Marketing Professional Training by M6 Educational Centre. From theory, to practice, we offer holistic approach and introduction in the world of digital marketing.
- 60 Lessons
- 58.988 + VAT
- 04.10.2022
AutoCAD in M6 is designed as a training that has a crucial meaning for a large number of industries. The focus of this training is the practical implementation of the skills learned during the theoretical part of the training.
- 30 Lessons
- 41.300 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Networks And Cyber Security
Inspired to help companies to solve these issues, we created this training module to provide knowledge and thus introduce defense and cyber security measures in the companies. If you are a youngster that wants to work with networks and data, this is the training for you!
- 40 Lessons
- 70.680 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Technology, ICT And Networking Solutions
This program anticipates the possible bottlenecks of our digitalization and is created to respond appropriately. From Wi-Fi Solutions and Cyber Security to Server Infrastructure and Virtualization, it primes you in the field and provides specific knowledge as well as field practices from experienced experts.
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- after a group is formed
Board Of Trustees (Bot) Program
The BoT program is comprised of trainings based on specifically selected topics which are relevant for our national businesses. With the assistance of our long-term partners – our BoT members which are part of the most eminent Macedonian companies, we carefully design a program that promises relevant and applicable content.
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- after a group is formed
Adizes Online is a new digitized program, which through, online content aims to develop skills and continuous learning, following basics of the Adizes methodology, which can be immediately applied in daily work individually or at the level of any company or organization.
- 1 Month Subscription
- 60 Lessons
- after a group is formed
Women Leadership Program
Our program devoted to Women’s leadership will coach you on how to accept yourself as a leader, negotiating as a leadership practice, becoming an influential leader, developing as a leader: what can help you, imagining your future possibilities as a leader.
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- after a group is formed
Management Skills For IT
We implemented a management program specifically made to fit this kind of businesses and their managers. It is applicable for junior, middle and upper management levels because it is segmented and created to answer to different levels’ everyday management issues
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- after a group is formed
Mini MBA
The mini MBA program is made to fit today’s busy executives’ schedules. It is conceptualized to deliver current MBA subjects in a more compact time frame tailored for anyone’s needs and availabilities. The program provides present-day and essential knowledge, varying from finance to marketing and management all of which directly applicable to real work environments and situations.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Export And Logistics
The Excellence in Export and Logistics course contains practical lessons in global trading which deal with the most important aspects of SMEs internationalization process, including managing overall international business, international sales and marketing, intercultural management and international HR, global sourcing and logistics, international financial management and international law and regulatory.
- 70 Lessons
- 1900€ + VAT
- after a group is formed
Excellence In Agriculture And Food Production Business
This training package provides the knowledge, theory, practical tools, real-life experiences and expertise, as well as top notch experts that will prepare you to lead your agri-business into a prosperous future. Our goal through this program is to develop skill sets and practices tailored to address the challenges of this industry in today’s modern society.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Digital Skills, Data Science And Analytics
Our program for digital skills, data science and analytics is made to prepare even the non-data scientist as it is designed to support leaders on junior and senior levels in broadening their data analytics competencies. You will get a chance to practically evaluate how your organization can grow with the more effective use of data analytics through exploring innovative scenarios by leveraging data applications from different sectors.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Healthcare Management
This program, created to managerially train healthcare workforce, addresses the unique leadership issues arising for healthcare professionals, providing tools, techniques, and best practices to effectively prime personnel for the complex healthcare system.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Retail
Excellence in Retail offers carefully designed skillset development training and coaching in order to help some of our largest retailers achieve their strategic goals, grow and build management bench strength. Having in mind our international network of recognized retail experts, you can always count on the contemporary and ready-to-use nature of the program’s contents.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence Tourism And Hospitality Development
Tourism And Hospitality Development offers the opportunity to get the hospitality know-how from experienced experts and to develop professional hotel competencies. You will immediately become effective within the hospitality and tourism industry through understanding the principles of a range of hospitality operations, including front desk operations, housekeeping, and food and beverage production.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence in Innovation and Design Thinking
This program, created to managerially train healthcare workforce, addresses the unique leadership issues arising for healthcare professionals, providing tools, techniques, and best practices to effectively prime personnel for the complex healthcare system.
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- after a group is formed
Tailor - Made Trainings
The goal is creating a focused training that will include discussions and exercises focusing on your business context and challenges. You can choose between the diversity of ready-to-go topics we have already implemented and adapt it to your company, or we can create a whole new training in order to answer to your specific requirements.
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- after a group is formed
Youth Development And VET
In accordance with our vision to shape the leaders of tomorrow, we created a program for the young, ambitious people who want to invest in themselves and their future. It is conceptualized to provide the Vocational Educational Training while inspiring innovation and creativity, that way producing ready to go and entrepreneurship-oriented workforce.
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- after a group is formed
Mindvalley is the world’s leading platform for online learning and personal growth, which since the beginning of its existence in 2002 uses its lecturer's experience to offer the subscribers a unique aspect of processing the themes and problems.
- 1 Year Subscription
- 499€ + VAT
- after a group is formed
“Leaders of tomorrow – Лидери на иднината”
Со цел да ја сретне потребата колку што може повеќе на практично знаење и искуство меѓу младите менаџери во компаниите ја креиравме интерактивната програма “Лидери на иднината” скроена да ги сретне потребите на современиот менаџмент во македонските компании подеднакво апликативно и за производни и за услужни компании. Програмата е сочинета да ги покрие теоретските аспекти на запознавање со менаџментот, но исто така ќе обезбеди и алатки за практичен пристап во работењето на младите менаџери кое што го носи современото работење во компаниите.
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- after a group is formed
AI For Managers And Executives (AI4ME)
M6 Educational Centre in partnership with the AI Center, Sweden delivers an online workshop titled AI for Managers and Executives (AI4ME). This 6 week workshop is comprised of 5 separate modules and it provides you with practical knowledge on contemporary issues concerning the digital transition and artificial intelligence.
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- after a group is formed
Organizing Events Online
During these times of transformations and intense digitalization the Events Organizing Industry is faced with serious setbacks. Moreover, since it’s not that the only industry that’s suffering due to the global pandemic, a part of the adaptations are within hand’s reach, it’s up to us to learn how and implement them.
- 10 Lessons
- 17.000 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Digital Marketing
Become a Social Media Guru and an expert Digital Marketer with the Digital Marketing Professional Training by M6 Educational Centre. From theory, to practice, we offer holistic approach and introduction in the world of digital marketing.
- 60 Lessons
- 58.988 + VAT
- 04.10.2022
AutoCAD in M6 is designed as a training that has a crucial meaning for a large number of industries. The focus of this training is the practical implementation of the skills learned during the theoretical part of the training.
- 30 Lessons
- 41.300 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Networks And Cyber Security
Inspired to help companies to solve these issues, we created this training module to provide knowledge and thus introduce defense and cyber security measures in the companies. If you are a youngster that wants to work with networks and data, this is the training for you!
- 40 Lessons
- 70.680 + VAT
- after a group is formed
Technology, ICT And Networking Solutions
This program anticipates the possible bottlenecks of our digitalization and is created to respond appropriately. From Wi-Fi Solutions and Cyber Security to Server Infrastructure and Virtualization, it primes you in the field and provides specific knowledge as well as field practices from experienced experts.
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- after a group is formed
Board Of Trustees (Bot) Program
The BoT program is comprised of trainings based on specifically selected topics which are relevant for our national businesses. With the assistance of our long-term partners – our BoT members which are part of the most eminent Macedonian companies, we carefully design a program that promises relevant and applicable content.
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- after a group is formed
Adizes Online is a new digitized program, which through, online content aims to develop skills and continuous learning, following basics of the Adizes methodology, which can be immediately applied in daily work individually or at the level of any company or organization.
- 1 Month Subscription
- 60€ + VAT
- after a group is formed
Women Leadership Program
Our program devoted to Women’s leadership will coach you on how to accept yourself as a leader, negotiating as a leadership practice, becoming an influential leader, developing as a leader: what can help you, imagining your future possibilities as a leader.
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- after a group is formed
Management Skills For IT
We implemented a management program specifically made to fit this kind of businesses and their managers. It is applicable for junior, middle and upper management levels because it is segmented and created to answer to different levels’ everyday management issues
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- after a group is formed
Mini MBA
The mini MBA program is made to fit today’s busy executives’ schedules. It is conceptualized to deliver current MBA subjects in a more compact time frame tailored for anyone’s needs and availabilities. The program provides present-day and essential knowledge, varying from finance to marketing and management all of which directly applicable to real work environments and situations.
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- after a group is formed
“Leaders of tomorrow – Лидери на иднината”
Со цел да ја сретне потребата колку што може повеќе на практично знаење и искуство меѓу младите менаџери во компаниите ја креиравме интерактивната програма “Лидери на иднината” скроена да ги сретне потребите на современиот менаџмент во македонските компании подеднакво апликативно и за производни и за услужни компании.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Export And Logistics
The Excellence in Export and Logistics course contains practical lessons in global trading which deal with the most important aspects of SMEs internationalization process, including managing overall international business, international sales and marketing, intercultural management and international HR, global sourcing and logistics, international financial management and international law and regulatory.
- 70 Lessons
- 1900€ + VAT
- after a group is formed
Excellence in Innovation and Design Thinking
This program, created to managerially train healthcare workforce, addresses the unique leadership issues arising for healthcare professionals, providing tools, techniques, and best practices to effectively prime personnel for the complex healthcare system.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence Tourism And Hospitality Development
Tourism And Hospitality Development offers the opportunity to get the hospitality know-how from experienced experts and to develop professional hotel competencies. You will immediately become effective within the hospitality and tourism industry through understanding the principles of a range of hospitality operations, including front desk operations, housekeeping, and food and beverage production.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Agriculture And Food Production Business
This training package provides the knowledge, theory, practical tools, real-life experiences and expertise, as well as top notch experts that will prepare you to lead your agri-business into a prosperous future. Our goal through this program is to develop skill sets and practices tailored to address the challenges of this industry in today’s modern society.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Digital Skills, Data Science And Analytics
Our program for digital skills, data science and analytics is made to prepare even the non-data scientist as it is designed to support leaders on junior and senior levels in broadening their data analytics competencies. You will get a chance to practically evaluate how your organization can grow with the more effective use of data analytics through exploring innovative scenarios by leveraging data applications from different sectors.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Healthcare Management
This program, created to managerially train healthcare workforce, addresses the unique leadership issues arising for healthcare professionals, providing tools, techniques, and best practices to effectively prime personnel for the complex healthcare system.
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- after a group is formed
Excellence In Retail
Excellence in Retail offers carefully designed skillset development training and coaching in order to help some of our largest retailers achieve their strategic goals, grow and build management bench strength. Having in mind our international network of recognized retail experts, you can always count on the contemporary and ready-to-use nature of the program’s contents.
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- after a group is formed
Tailor - Made Trainings
The goal is creating a focused training that will include discussions and exercises focusing on your business context and challenges. You can choose between the diversity of ready-to-go topics we have already implemented and adapt it to your company, or we can create a whole new training in order to answer to your specific requirements.
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- after a group is formed
Youth Development And VET
In accordance with our vision to shape the leaders of tomorrow, we created a program for the young, ambitious people who want to invest in themselves and their future. It is conceptualized to provide the Vocational Educational Training while inspiring innovation and creativity, that way producing ready to go and entrepreneurship-oriented workforce.
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- after a group is formed

The goals of our trainings are to develop and build
the leaders of tomorrow!
As a participant in one of our training, you’ll learn from professional trainers with remarkable experience in the practical, business environment. Each training is designed to help you learn in
the real world and put the gained know-how into practice after.
Our goal is to always deliver what our clients and participants need, responding to companies’ and individual requests by creating the needed training.