About the training
During these times of transformations and intense digitalization the Events Organizing Industry is faced with serious setbacks. Moreover, since it’s not that the only industry that’s suffering due to the global pandemic, a part of the adaptations are within hand’s reach, it’s up to us to learn how and implement them.
The fact that in-person events cannot be organized (at least not in the exact format that we would like to), doesn’t mean that events can’t be organized at all. Learn how to organize and realize your meetings, events, conferences and many more events virtually and be ready to face with the challenges ahead!
- Major directions of the event industry
- How to organize and manage a virtual event
- How to supercharge live engagement and networking
- Transferring your event to the online world
- Types of online events – what do you need?
- n-house vs. Virtual vs. Hybrid events
- How to choose the best platform and understand that you need more than one technology
- Design and send your invitation
- Registration for the event
- Setting an event budget
- Facilitators – Recruitment and preparations: Importance of preparation of the facilitators, learn by doing, discover your facilitators persona
- Importance of implementation and following GDRP standards in organizing virtual events
- Conference platforms: Usage, specifications and how to attract sponsors for your event
- How to measure the success of a virtual event
- Tips to Maximize Your Success
- Available platforms (Zoom, Cisco Webex, GoToMeeting, Google Meet, MS Teams etc.): Usage and specifications
- Free options for online events (to consider for smaller events include Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn live-streaming services)
Who should attend?
This course is designed for individuals/organizations/companies that organize different events whether corporate events, online meetings, conferences etc. From simple online meetings to high level professional conferences. Marketing/Communications managers and specialists, Event managers and specialists, HR managers and specialists, as well as all of the enthusiasts ready to dedicate themselves to organizing events and are about to embark on their way to the new era. It is also perfect for current organizations that need to adapt their businesses from working from home, organizing meetings online and adapting their activities.It is suitable for those that need to acquire new skills in today’s world and are moving into new areas of business.
What will you gain?
Online events best practices will be taught, as well as discussions for available platforms that will allow you to build your confidence and a complete management skill-set.
M6 are frontrunners in North Macedonia when it comes to equipping all professionals with up-to-date modern-day digital skills. The training on organizing hybrid and online events has been most pragmatic, advice abundant and favourable for my organization, not to mention in perfect timing with our events schedule. I heartily recommend M6 for all junior and mid-career professionals who like to harness and hone cutting edge digital skills and acumen, thus obtain precise digital how-tos transforming themselves into a valuable workforce and talent that any team would be happy to have on board.
Marija Dimovska
Startup Macedonia Project Manager
In general, this course has answered or let’s say has been an eye opener in all the doubts/concerns that we had about organizing an online or hybrid event. The examples given, the practice for the online platforms are of big importance for us in this period and were presented by skilled, knowledgeable facilitators.
Valerija Temelkova
Association Makam-Trans Skopje
The ‘Virtual Events Organizing E-training’ course was certainly a necessity in these challenging times since almost all of the events are being shifted to virtual platforms in the form of webinars, online courses, etc. All of the facilitators shared some very important information, useful resources, and made sure that every participant understood everything there is to know about organizing virtual events.
Macedonian e-commerce Association
Price: 275 EUR + DDV