About the Centre
A customer oriented centre, that offers added value through development of challenges and opportunities for achieving business excellence, while focusing on customer experience and satisfaction.
M6 Educational Centre is:
- an institution that inspires lifelong learning and development in times of agile changes and digital transformation.
- a strategic partner for companies and their employees through delivering unique and exclusive training programs by established international, regional and local experts.
- a supporter for ambitious businesses and individuals striving for growth.
- a centre that enables building of strong and effective connections, and encourages cooperation – a networking hub.
- a partner in achieving business excellence for local, regional and international companies.
- a feedback based, fully customer oriented development and innovation centre.
- an institution that shapes the leaders of today and builds the leaders of tomorrow.
- a number one venue choice for hosting events, conferences and trainings.
To be a customer-oriented center, that offers added value through development challenges and opportunities for achieving business excellence, while focusing on customer experience and satisfaction.
The M6 Educational Centre serves as a leading institution for transformational and social development through continuous stimulation and absorption of knowledge, innovation, creativity, and culture in every day and work life, for individuals, companies, and institutions.
To be a customer-oriented center, that offers added value through development challenges and opportunities for achieving business excellence, while focusing on customer experience and satisfaction.
The M6 Educational Centre serves as a leading institution for transformational and social development through continuous stimulation and absorption of knowledge, innovation, creativity, and culture in every day and work life, for individuals, companies, and institutions.
why m6 educational centre?
M6 Educational Centre provides you with access to the strongest business network in North Macedonia and is a hub for all the pillars of the society: the business sector, the academic community, NGOs, and the start-up community. We are a partner in achieving business excellence for local, regional, and international companies and we enable the building of strong and effective connections and encourage cooperation between all stakeholders. M6 is the #1 venue for hosting your events, conferences, training, and workshops.
We have established connection with the biggest companies, startups, NGOs and Universities in the country and the region and have worked on improving the quality of education.
What makes us passionate about what we do are the people. We created a positive place for sharing ideas, co-working, and lifelong learning system for all interested stakeholders and individuals.
Our integrity is shown in our actions. We take pride in being one of the biggest drivers of important social differences and contributing to our community.
We are a dedicated and experienced team looking to create opportunities, and help you and your company be the greatest and excel in your industry.
meet the team
Elena Mladenovska Jelenkovikj
Chief Executive Officer
Predrag Mitrikeski Kleckackoski
Marketing Coordinator
Tamara Grbevska
Project Coordinator
Blagica Stavrova
Marketing Specialist
Message from the CEO
Elena Mladenovska Jelenkovikj
Chief Executive Officer
M6 Educational Centre
“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills” – Chinese proverb
Crisis as а word has two meanings in Chinese – the first one is danger, and the second is opportunity. The outcome depends solely on us and our ability to adjust, deal with the pressure, and work closely together. So, the question is “Are we going to be afraid and not do anything or are we going to wake our creativity and develop a whole new skillset that will help us adjust to the new situation?”
Transformation of people, companies and societies is an imperative. Now more than ever, we need true and powerful leaders who will lead by example.
Training centers that have the experience and network of widely appreciated professional trainers are offering knowledge, different approaches and competences for development of the “skills of the 21st century”.
The M6 Educational Centre offers an opportunity for obtaining that truly needed transformational knowledge and skillset. Founded in 2007, it marks an over-a-decade long experience in the field, worldwide network of trainers, professors and partners, and a brand new strategy focusing of innovation, transformational and personal growth. We are working hard for maintaining the position of a leading institution for transformational and society development. Through continuous stimulation of growth, innovation, creativity and culture in everyday and work life, the center focuses on being an institution that inspires lifelong learning and development in times of agile changes and digital transformation.