This intensive one-day workshop is designed to introduce participants to the core concepts of game theory—a compelling and effective tool for understanding how individuals, companies, and even nations make strategic decisions across diverse scenarios. Game theory focuses on players, strategies, and payoffs in situations where interests may conflict or compete. It operates on the assumption that individuals act rationally, aiming to maximize their gains while minimizing losses, thus shaping our understanding of decision-making processes.
Far from being limited to the academic domains of economists or mathematicians, game theory is something we encounter daily, often without realizing it. From choosing the best route to work to negotiating with colleagues, game theory influences many of our decisions. This training will offer a fundamental yet thorough exploration of both static and dynamic games, helping participants apply game theory more consciously in real-world situations, particularly in executive decision-making.
The practical applications of game theory are vast, spanning various fields. In business, it is utilized to analyze market dynamics, anticipate customer behavior, and develop effective marketing and pricing strategies. In personal relationships, it aids in improving communication, fostering trust, and resolving disputes. Additionally, it plays a role in politics, where it helps to understand the interactions and decision-making processes of different parties.
Course objectives
- Understanding the Fundamentals of Game theory:
- What is a game?
- Examples of Simultaneous Games
- What is a dominant strategy?
- Why People Don’t Cooperate? Prisoners’ Dilemma and its applications
- Elon Musk and the game he plays on EV market[1]
- Uncovering Static Games and Nash Equilibrium
- What is the Idea of Nash Equilibrium? Simple illustration.
- Want to Play? Stag Hunt, Battle of Sexes and Hawk-Dove games
- Competing with Rivals in Coordination Games
- Introduction to Mixed Strategies
- Mixed Strategies: Zero Sum Games
- Designing Sequential Games
- Understand basics of Game Trees and Backward Induction
- Analysing Backward Induction: Centipede Game
- Ultimatum Game
- Trust Games
- What happens when Prisoners’ Dilemma is Repeated Finitely?
- Applying Tit-For-Tat Strategy in Large Repetitions
- The Role of Future and Cooperation
- Does it pay-off to engage in cartel?
- Games when there is Uncertainty in Information
- Understanding the Winners’ Curse
- Market for lemons: how to overcome the problem of Adverse Selection?
- Using information strategically: Credible signals vs Cheap Talks
- Why do people study?
- Take Away Practical Tools and Resources:
- Leave with practical tools, exercises, and book recommendations that will help them continue their game theory journey.
Meet the Trainer
She is a Full Professor in Economics at School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB LU), Slovenia. In the past she served as Vice President of Management Board at Slovene Research Agency (2014-2018), Vice Dean for Finance (2013-2017) and Vice Dean for Research and PhD Programme (2007-2009, 2024-2027). In 2007 she was awarded by University’s Award for young fellows for extraordinary achievements in teaching and research and in 2023 a Gold Award for University of Ljubljana Professor. In the period of 2009-2010 she was a Fulbright scholar at University of California, Davis.
She teaches several courses (microeconomics, managerial economics and labour economics) in bachelor, master and MBA programmes at SEB LU and abroad. In last 20 years she published several papers in refereed journals (Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Manpower, Journal of International Business Studies, Review of Comparative Economics and others), participated in several research projects, financed by Slovene government, PHARE program and European Commission.
She has more than 20 years of experience in consulting mostly related to automotive industry, retail sector and public utilites. She serves as the Member of Strategic Council for Economy, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Republic of Slovenia and Member of Observatory, Slovene Managers’ Association
Key Information
09.00 – 17.00h
11.000MKD – early bird price until 05.10.2024
15.000MKD – (05.10.2024 – 10.10.2024)
Have any questions regarding the course? Reach out using the form below!
This activity is co-financed by M6 Educational Centre and the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss project “Education for Employment” – E4E@mk implemented by Helvetas.