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Crisis Communication
Communication in crisis situations begins immediately when a crisis situation occurs.
The most important aspect of an organization in a crisis situation is the establishment of good and effective communication with the target public.
This is the reason to educate employees through topics:
– good preparation of all elements of the crisis
– real-time publicity and media situations
– disposal of facts and verified information
– informing employees about the situation with emphasis on the facts
– how to deny hidden facts
– reputation protection
– strategy of ignoring yes or no
– corrective action strategy and apology strategy
– simulation of hard talk interviews and statements in a crisis situation
– designing content after occurrence of a crisis situation
Effective crisis communication requires thorough preparation, timely and accurate information dissemination, and strategic response management. By educating employees on these key topics, an organization can navigate crisis situations more effectively and maintain public trust and confidence.
Meet the Training

Olivera Stefanovic Srankovic
Director, Proglas Public Relations
8.000 mkd (VAT Included)
Оваа активност е ко-финансирана од М6 Едукативниот центар и Владата на Швајцарија преку швајцарскиот проект „Образование за вработување“ – Е4Е@мк спроведуван од Хелветас.