Fund for Innovation and Technology l 2017 – 2022
We are successfully mentoring over 300 companies, a project funded by the Fund for Innovation and Technology in North Macedonia in the program Technical Support for Potential Applicants.
Our engaged experts through these trainings help the potential applicants with special attention to the following topics:
- Help for developing a business idea
- Financial projection and budgeting
- Identification of sources of funding
- Identification of an innovative potential of a company and / or a proposed idea
- Identification and formulation of “technology readiness level”
- Technology benchmarking
- Research of the potential for protection of industrial property rights
- Competition analysis
- Identification of potential clients and segmentation of potential clients (customer segmentation)
- Defining activities in the research and development cycle
Defining a project team structure:
- Risk analysis
- Identification of potential impacts
- Communication and presentation skills

In 2020, we provided training and mentoring for Virtual Events Organization, for 11 significant organizations in North Macedonia, together with Strategic Development Consulting, as part of the USAID Business Ecosystem Project.
As part of this project, M6 is the author of the Guideline for Organizing Virtual Events in Macedonian language, which later in 2021 we translated, improved and
upgraded it for the USAID’s EDGE Project for which we also provided mentorship and training for organizations and companies globally, on the same topic.
You can read and download both Guidelines here.

AAA (Triple “A”) - Alimentare, Agricoltura, Ambiente
Together with the Italian Embassy in North Macedonia and the Italian Trade Agency in Skopje, we created this project in order to:
- Share success stories from Italy that will lead to modern and sustainable MK agriculture
- Improve relations between two governments
- Sustainable development of the most important sector in the country
- Increase economy performance
Different stakeholders are targeted with one purpose – to change the eco system in the country by identifying challenges and opportunities to develop this sector
and providing best practices and network from EU. This is a long term project and it covers activities such as organizing webinars and conferences, networking
meetings and communication with the target groups.
In 2022, we organized a webinar conference on the topic of “Nutriform Labeling: Formula for Responsible Consumer Information” with speakers from
FEDERALIMENTARE, CREA Research center for food and nutrition, Food and Veterinary Agency, Ministry of Health in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The conference brought up differences between the Italian proposition for food labeling “NutriformBatery” and the French proposition “Nutriscore” in order to create consumer valued food and overcome consumer trust and initiate new approach in the accepting framework of the food labeling.
The conference brought up differences between the Italian proposition for food labeling “NutriformBatery” and the French proposition “Nutriscore” to create consumer-valued food and overcome consumer trust and initiate a new approach in the accepting framework of food labeling.
In 2021, we organized a webinar on the topic of “The Organic Challenge” to provide comprehensive knowledge on the Italian experience in organic agriculture, governmental support, control, and association forms, to raise the awareness of the Macedonian farmers on the benefits of organic products, better sales and export opportunities and bigger profit margins and increase the level of public awareness, knowledge, and information of organic issues among experts, farmers, and other stakeholders in the organic chain. Speakers on the webinar were prominent representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture in North Macedonia, Ministry of Agriculture in Italy, UNIMA (Agricultural Machineries National Association), and ISMEA (Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare).