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ЕВН Костовска: Проектот „Образование за вработување“ придонесува за намалување на јазот во родовата еднаквост на работно место
ЕВН – Костовска: Проектот „Образование за вработување“ придонесува за намалување на јазот во родовата еднаковст на работното место Костовска: Проектот „Образование за вработување“ придонесува за

Оглас за набавка и сетирање на аудио/видео опрема
Оглас за набавка и сетирање аудио/видео опрема Проектот „Ангажирање на приватниот сектор – ПСЕ“, поддржан од М6 Едукативен центар, 30 македонски компании и проектот Образование

Cultivating Success: The Role of Habits in Personal and Professional Growth
Cultivating Success: The Role of Habits in Personal and Professional Growth The fast-paced nature of the current era, with a significant emphasis on success and

The most overlooked skills in the IT industry
The most overlooked skills in the IT industry The IT industry has been experiencing unprecedented growth over the last decade, with it becoming one of

A Strong Understanding of Financial Concepts as a Prerequisite for Better Managerial Decision-Making
A Strong Understanding of Financial Concepts as a Prerequisite for Better Managerial Decision-Making Did you know that, according to Gallup – an American analytics and

Mastering the Skills of Tomorrow: A Roadmap to Success
The work environment is changing rapidly and everyone wants to be prepared, but how does one prepare for the unknown? The future is uncertain, now

Discussion Panel: Digital Transformation for Business Development at Supplier Balkan Expo 2023
Discussion Panel: Digital Transformation for Business Development at Supplier Balkan Expo 2023 On the 25th of October, during the SUB EX – Supplier Balkan Expo,

Isak Adizes
In my lectures, I say that problems are like the shadows. If you run away, they keep following you. If you turn around and face

Conversation with Reza Mousavi
Conversation with Reza Mousavi: Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for creating new jobs with a real re-skilling of workers In anticipation of the first

Automate to Innovate
How automation can fit into your marketing strategy? Marketing automation can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their marketing efforts, improve customer

“Revolutionizing Business Landscapes: How AI is Transforming SMEs and Large Corporations” Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in today’s quickly expanding technology landscape, providing new prospects for enterprises of all sizes. SMEs and

Navigating the Marketing Landscape in 2023: The Top 10 Skills Marketers Need
In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, staying ahead requires a diverse skill set that adapts to emerging trends and technologies. For marketers, 2023 will

On Egocentric Artists
Read more, Inspire Yourself Written by: Prof. Ichak Adizes The text below is part of a series of texts by Prof. Ichak Adizes on

Sustainable growth for a greener future
Read more, Inspire Yourself Sustainability has become a widely discussed topic within business discourse, with most companies striving to embody the archetype of a sustainable

Neuromarketing – Unlocking Customer Behavior
Read More, Inspire Yourself In a world submerged in advertising, where consumers are exposed to immense number of visuals and messages, effective marketing has become

А Modern Approach to Overcoming the Skills Challenge
Read more, Inspire Yourself Skill development within an organization can be noted as one of the principal avenues through which an organization can grow

Guideline on how to Organize Virtual and Hybrid Events
Guideline on how to Organize Virtual and Hybrid Events M6 Educational Centre is the author of the Guideline on how to Organize Virtual and Hybrid

The Ethics Of Creativity – Creating Books For Children
The Ethics Of Creativity – Creating Books For Children On the 5 th of November,2020 we had the pleasure to host the Hybrid Masterclass THE

Ordo ab Chao: How to Find Order in a World of Chaos with Dr. Nicolas Kfuri
Ordo ab Chao: How to Find Order in a World of Chaos with Dr. Nicolas Kfuri How are today’s crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic,

What Are The Key Elements of Leadership Job in Disruption with Dr. Nenad Filipović
What Are The Key Elements of Leadership Job in Disruption with Dr. Nenad Filipović Resolving the paradoxes related to disruption and changing the business model

Play on Your Strengths and Incentivize the Smart Young People to Stay in the Country and Help Revive the Economy
Play on Your Strengths and Incentivize the Smart Young People to Stay in the Country and Help Revive the Economy Our second webinar hosted 50+

Organic food products, IT services, data scientists – opportunities in Sweden for the companies from Macedonia
Our third webinar featuring digital strategist, Cecilia Hjerzell, looked into the different approach that the Swedish government took in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and how

Every time you go to the supermarket, you vote for your future
Every time you go to the supermarket, you vote for your future Emil Hristov, a successful US entrepreneur of Macedonian origin and Wharton Business School

How much are companies spending on cyber security before a security incident VS. how much they are spending after one happens? Quantify the risks and make sure to maintain a high level of IT hygiene!
How much are companies spending on cyber security before a security incident VS. how much they are spending after one happens? Quantify the risks and

Visual Communication – the Power of Successful Brands
Visual Communication – the Power of Successful Brands Imagine that you are in a grocery. Your shopping list includes spaghetti among other products; however, they

Career Planinng for Engaged Employees
Career Planinng for Engaged Employees CAREER – What it means Using the term career, we often refer to a meaningful success, acknowledgement or a high

There’s No Time to Wait – One of the Most Important Corporate Survival Activities in This Time of Crisis and Thereafter, is to Maintain the Margins via Price Optimisation!
There’s No Time to Wait – One of the Most Important Corporate Survival Activities in This Time of Crisis and Thereafter, is to Maintain the

Juan Gamecho on the Liquidity Crisis Created by the Lockdown
Living through Covid-19 has put us a through difficult and extraordinary times. Governments and companies across the world are preparing for historically high recessions, attempting

Водич за организирање виртуелни настани
Водич за организирање виртуелни настани Водичот е изработен од страна на М6 едукативниот центар за потребите на Проектот на УСАИД за развој на деловниот екосистем

Што е корисничко искуство и зошто е важнo при е-продажба?
Што е корисничко искуство и зошто е важнo при е-продажба? Да се вратиме на почетокот на 2020. Ах, слобода. Можам слободно на дишам, да шетам,

Унапредување на грижата за Корисници
Унапредување на грижата за Корисници Линк за преземање на документот

Signing of a Memorandum for cooperation and partnership between North Macedonia and Republic Bulgaria for development of producer’s organizations and cooperatives
Signing of a Memorandum for cooperation and partnership between North Macedonia and Republic Bulgaria for development of producer’s organizations and cooperatives On the 4 th